Adult & Family Ministries

Wednesdays, 7:00pm
Meeting ID: 829 4532 7813
We are currently exploring the foundations of mystical spirituality through the early church fathers and mothers.
Bible Study
Thursdays, 12:00pm
Meeting ID: 820 0253 6057
*Bible Study is taking a summer sabbath and will return in September!
Every Thursdays at 12:00 p.m. in-person or on, Zoom we will be prayerfully considering the text for the following Sunday morning. You do not need any preparation and everyone is welcome. We read through a few different translations together, talk about funny words and contexts, and then consider what it may mean both to people long ago and for us today. Most of all, questions are invited. In fact, the questions are the best part!
You are invited.

Fairmont Family Night
Once per month (check the church calendar)
Fellowship Hall
Family nights are planned monthly, for families of all shapes, sizes, and ages! Families of one, two, or twenty are invited to join us for food, activities, and fellowship together. Dinners are child-friendly (in fact, we want them!) and casual. For information regarding dates and meals provided, please contact the church office.
Theology on Tap
First Fridays, 5:00 pm
Location Changes Monthly
Come and join us for fellowship, theological conversation both profound and inane, and shared enjoyment of the original purpose for grain (or such other beverages as you may prefer) on the first Friday of each month at Marion’s Piazza. Topics from recent discussions have included how many angels may stand on a pin (answer: nine); the nature of Biblical hermeneutics (answer: it’s complicated); the coolest sounding word in the Bible (answer: Tohu Wa Wohu); and, the relative clerical fashion sense of various denominational traditions (answer: Ethiopian Coptics win hands down). Join us for reverence and revelry as we share together our own myopic insights into the great cloud of unknowing as we follow our Lord Jesus in sharing together in good conversation and drink.

Women of Fairmont
Women of Fairmont (WOF) play a vital role in the life of our church. Their purpose is to nurture faith through prayer, Bible study, fellowship and service to the community, both locally and nationwide. WOF are connected to the larger church through their participation in the Presbyterian Women of the Presbytery of the Miami Valley, the Synod of the Covenant and the Presbyterian Church USA. Read more

Fairmont Men’s Group
The Fairmont Men’s Group is open to all men whether they are members of the church or not. The gatherings provide a wonderful time of fellowship and always great food. Come and enjoy the Fairmont Men’s Group. Read more