Community Programs
Rug Hooking Guild
Miami Valley Rug Hooking Guild meets the fourth Thursday of the month in Fellowship Hall. Generally, members start coming at approximately 1:30 PM, followed by a business meeting later in the afternoon. We have over 100 members in the guild, some of whom are from Texas, Michigan, Indiana, and many from all over Ohio. We have several teachers in our guild who teach all over the USA. There has been an incredible resurgence in this art form over the past number of years. Members of the church are always welcome to come to a meeting and ask questions. The guild members welcome questions and love to offer help to new people.

12-Step Programs
Several twelve-step programs meet weekly at Fairmont Presbyterian Church.
- Alcoholics Anonymous meets at 12pm on Tuesday and 7:30pm on Wednesday.
- Narcotics Anonymous meets at 7:00pm on Thursday.
- Over-eaters Anonymous meets at 12:00pm on Tuesday and Friday.
Anonymity is honored and you are welcome to attend.