Third Sunday Mission

We are excited to offer periodical mini-mission projects that can be completed within an hour.   Projects are designed to serve both members and the greater community.   Some projects will support organizations which receive our Mission dollars.   All materials will be provided.

Projects may include:

  • Card/notes to shut-ins, folks we haven’t seen in a while, families of deceased members (recognized on All-Saints Day), appreciation to various members/staff, birthday recognition; college-age youth;
  • Packaging items such as sandwich and hygiene bags for House of Bread, and Daybreak; personal care bags for homeless shelter; packages to college-age youth or PYC-supported child;
  • Making goods such as fleece blankets;

When: 3rd Sunday monthly after both services in conjunction with the monthly Family Worship Sunday.   All of you are encouraged to participate, staying as long or short as you can.


  • To allow all members regardless of age or skills to participate in active mission work loving our neighbor;
  • To increase awareness of some of the local organizations supported by our mission dollars
  • To promote intentional family mission work
  • To facilitate cross-generation relationships
  • To promote families working on mission together

Where: These will be held in Fellowship Hall for convenient access by all members as well as access to snacks!

Who: Initially, members of the team will organize projects.   It is hoped that eventually, various groups such as a Women’s Circle, PYC, or an individual family could sponsor a project.