Stewardship and Giving
At Fairmont Presbyterian Church, we continue the work Jesus started: forming disciples and transforming the world one person at a time. We cannot do it without you.
For generations, faithful women and men have made Fairmont a place of nurture, sharing, celebration, learning, growth, and service. Now that responsibility falls to us. Years ago, we could rely on our culture to support the work and ministry of the church. That is no longer true. So, that simply means that we strive all the harder.
Fairmont provides a unique witness to Jesus Christ in our community, accepting everyone as they are and mutually encouraging each other to grow into what God wants us to become. Through all the shrill soundbites and partisan rancor, Fairmont consistently offers women and men of all ages a deeper journey of faith, exploring the riches of the Christian tradition through heart, mind, and service. We now need your help to extend that ministry and fulfill our shared covenants we make across generations as we seek to share and show Jesus in our world.
Give Financially
You may make your financial gifts using a variety of forms, including cash, checks, and online giving. You can offer your gifts during the offering at the weekend worship services. You may also mail or drop off your financial gifts to the Far Hills church office during our normal business hours (9 AM-4 PM, Monday–Friday). Fairmont will send you a letter detailing your contributions for your tax and financial records.
Electronic, online giving through Fairmont’s website allows you to securely and conveniently make donations on a scheduled, automatic basis or one-time gifts. Contributions can be debited automatically from your checking or savings account or processed using your credit or debit card.
Gifts of Stock
Another alternative is to gift stocks. Capital gains taxes may make it attractive to gift securities directly to Fairmont. The gift, and recorded charitable deduction, is valued at the fair market price of the stock on the date of transfer. Please contact Martha Keil, our Financial Secretary at (937) 299-3539 for more details if you are interested in donating gifts of stock.
Foundation Gifts
Some individuals give to Fairmont through Foundation gifts. Should you wish to use foundation funds, the foundation can help you manage your funds and offer guidance on charitable giving decisions.
Share Your Spiritual Gifts
We are each blessed by God with one or more spiritual gifts that are to be used to participate in God’s work in the world. Some are given the gift of philanthropy, others service. Some have the gifts of teaching or prophecy, others have the gifts of hospitality or compassion. What are your spiritual gifts and how is God calling you to use them? If you want to explore your own gifts for ministry, please call our ministers who may be able to help you discern.
Gifts from Deferred Compensation
Taxpayers over 72 years of age with an IRA or 401K/403B accounts may transfer withdrawals (up to $100,000 per year) directly to a Fairmont Presbyterian Church or other “qualified charitable organization” and not pay tax on the distribution. Retirement savings accounts of various sorts require individuals over 72 to annually make required minimum distributions or face significant tax penalties. Those distributions are then added to your taxable income, often boosting your tax bracket. But, if you direct those distributions in whole or in part to Fairmont or other charity those funds do not count as taxable income. This transfer method can save you significant tax dollars. As always, you should consult with qualified advisors to help with tax planning, but using qualified charitable distributions may be an efficient way for you to support Fairmont!