Children’s Ministry

Our Mission
Jesus said to the disciples, “Let the children come to me.” Here at Fairmont, we still hold firm to his invitation. Our youngest worshippers are very important to us, and so we offer a variety of opportunities for the children and their families! From Sunday school to Vacation Bible School and all of the family events in between, our goal is to make every child feel welcomed at Fairmont and encouraged in their faith journey.
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Sunday Morning Christian Education Opportunities for Children at Fairmont
Birth-3 years
For the convenience of our loving parents, we have a nursery/toddler room for our littlest blessings, newborns through 3-year-olds. It runs from 8:00am–12:00pm each Sunday.
4 years-5th grade
10:30 Sunday School (September – May)
During the traditional worship service at Fairmont, children are invited to join their age-appropriate Sunday school class after the children’s talk in worship.
An elementary class is offered for children in grades PK-5 and uses Sparkhouse’s Whirl: All Kids curriculum.
*** Please note: 10:30am Sunday School classes are not offered on special Sundays (Easter, etc.) in an effort to teach all children the value of worshiping with their families.
Other Christian Education Opportunities
Vacation Bible School
One of our largest ministry outreach programs for children, Vacation Bible School at Fairmont is an “all-hands-on-deck” undertaking. We go all out to reach and teach the children about God’s love for them using songs, games, stories, and more. Trust us – you don’t want to miss out!

Kirkmont Camp
Each summer, children and youth from Fairmont attend Kirkmont Summer Camps where they participate in fun and faith formation with others their age in a beautiful and spiritually enriching environment. Fairmont offers partial scholarships to help our children and youth attend these camps. Check out this brief description from Kirkmont’s website, and visit or contact the church office for more information.
Kirkmont Center summer campers can expect:
- To be surrounded by God’s creation in a place set apart from the distractions of everyday life. We offer 278 acres of woods, streams and fields. Kirkmont’s beautiful campus includes an outdoor worship area and a labyrinth to provide places for meditation, singing and worship.
- To have the opportunity to engage in a wide range of activities. Recreational facilities include a canoeing pond, swimming pool, climbing wall & zip line, giant swing, archery range and miles of hiking trails to provide opportunities for exploration and fun.
- To actively engage in a Christian community, surrounded by those who continue to grow in faith every time they enter the Kirkmont grounds.
- To make new friends and grow closer to old friends. Laughter, listening, conversation and prayer are part of every week of camp.