Music Ministries
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir is a volunteer group of enthusiastic singers who help to enable the traditional worship experience at Fairmont. The choir is open to anyone 17 years of age and older who wants to make a joyful noise unto God, regardless of prior musical background. The Chancel Choir serves from September through May each year, presenting anthems as well as choral and vocal music during Sunday traditional services and Holy Week.
Rehearsals for the Chancel Choir are held Thursday evenings from 7:15-8:45 pm.
Those interested in joining the Chancel Choir are welcome to come to any rehearsal or contact Coleman Clark at for more information.
We hope you’ll join us!

Praise Band
Contemporary praise and worship music sets the tone for the casual service each Sunday morning at 8:30 in Fellowship Hall. The band features musicians playing guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, and more. Though the music is contemporary, the message is timeless – the songs are chosen to lift up the name of Jesus and to proclaim Christ’s great salvation. As we sing together, worshippers are drawn to the throne of grace and enjoy the presence of God.
The praise band practices Wednesday evening at 6:30pm. Singers and instrumentalists are welcome to join us! For more information, catch one of the band members after service on Sunday mornings or email Coleman Clark, praise and worship leader, at
Bell Choir
The Bell Choir is a group of 11-12 players who meet on Thursday evenings from 6:00-7:00. Previous experience with handbells is not necessary, but the ability to read music is important. Currently, the Bell Choir is looking to add permanent ringers and substitute ringers. Please contact Coleman Clark at for more information.