Traditional Worship at Fairmont
The Psalmist writes, “Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of the faithful.”
Fairmont’s 10:30 am traditional worship offers an opportunity to reflect on the majesty and splendor of God in the company of members and guests who love to worship God in a Presbyterian liturgical worship style. Following a welcome, we are called to worship by the beautiful sound of the 28 rank Schantz pipe organ or the grand piano. Liturgy is led by lectors, traditional hymns are sung from a hymn book, a unison Prayer of Confession is offered, and special music is offered by our Chancel Choir and soloists. A children’s message invites active participation from our youngest worshipers after which the children go to their Sunday School classes. Our pastors lead the congregation in the Prayers of the People and the preaching of God’s Word. The sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated once a month, usually on the first Sunday, and the sacrament of Baptism is celebrated as requested. Fairmont’s traditional worship offers spiritual refreshment that is often described as warm, welcoming, reverent, and Christ-honoring. We are all on a spiritual journey and our worship is designed to renew our identity in Christ, reconcile us to neighbor, and send us forth into the world to be God’s people who are blessed to be a blessing. The Psalmist writes,“Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary!” We join the psalmist in inviting you to come and joyfully praise God in Fairmont’s beautiful sanctuary.